eerie image of car in fog and tentacle illustration

This is Lovecraft Country:

Studying Gender, Race, and Place in the USA

WRIT 398 / G ST 395

Dates: January 4-16, 2021 (Possible day trips Jan. 7-9)

Credit Hours: 3

Instructor: Dr. Rachel Johnson, Director of the Oxford Writing Center and Lecturer of Writing and Rhetoric; Faculty Affiliate - Isom Center for Women and Gender Studies

Cost: This is a virtual course with no travel planned at this time. Tuition rates are the traditional costs for UM 3-hour undergraduate course. Non-resident fees will be charged if applicable.

Application Deadline: December 11, 2020

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  • Use the novel Lovecraft Country, its HBO adaptation, and supplemental historical and modern primary texts to study the intersection of gender, race, and place.
  • Create their own research and travel experiences by visiting and studying sties and locations in their own communities that provided safety and refuge for Black travelers during the Jim Crow era.
  • Share their personal localized travel experiences with others in the course, and learn from other students’ experiences.
  • Study the social, historical, and cultural forces that shaped communities.

Itinerary subject to change. Please verify specific dates with instructor and confirm that the course has adequate enrollment to make before making travel arrangements.


The dates are January 4th – January 16th. Students will meet virtually during this time.


Students will be meeting virtually for the duration of the course, with individual exploration of a site or sites near them expected (with respect to social distancing and other COVID-19 safety practices).

This course is open to all majors.

No Prerequisites for G St 395, WRIT/LIBA/HON/ENGL 102 for WRIT 398.

This course may be of particular interest to students majoring in Fine Arts; Humanities & Social Sciences (particularly History, Sociology, English, Southern Studies, Journalism, Writing, & Educational majors); AAS; GST; General Studies.

Additionally, the course may be of interest to students in the following organizations: The UM Pride Network, The UM NAACP Chapter, Students Against Social Injustice; students affiliated with the Center for Inclusion & Cross Cultural Engagement; Student Art Association; African Caribbean Association; Cultural Connections Club; International Student Organization; Ole Miss Rebel Writers; Ole Miss Musicians; Vasari Society; UM History Club; The Clicks; InterCom Club

Program cost: There is no course fee, only tuition will be charged.

Students will make their own trips to selected sites near their homes, or wherever they are staying while attending the class online.