2019 Summer Literacy and Leadership RetreatA TIME OF REJUVENATION and learn best practices!
The Inn at Ole Miss, June 27-28, 2019

Conference Program
The 2019 Literacy and Equity Retreat is a time of “rejuvenation” for educators…a time to relax, rethink, and recharge…a chance to learn the best practices that can be implemented immediately. The Literacy and Equity Retreat utilizes leaders in the field to go deep into literacy topics of interest and ways to create a more equitable classroom. In our current day and age, sustaining an equitable environment for students requires more than expanding a classroom library. Today's literacy educators must find ways to be more inclusive with the structure that governs their shared spaces.
Key topics covered during this Retreat include biases in the classroom, how to engage conversations about equity within our school districts, and the role of literacy in systemic transformation
During the retreat attendees will:
- walk away with a clearer understanding of today's literacy standards and strategies to achieve those requirements in the classroom.
- gain a plethora of tools and new instructional strategies for literacy achievement
- cover common challenges faced by new teachers including classroom management, and parent engagement.
- provide educators with the tools and confidence needed to help our most precious resource (our students) to succeed in literacy!
- self-care practices and strategies for work-life balance.
Dates and Location
June 27-28, 2019
The University of Mississippi’s Inn at Ole Miss
Registration Information
This conference is open to all teachers, any grade, literacy coaches, and administrators.
You may register by downloading the registration form, register online, or if registering 3 or more register online here. The EARLY BIRD registration fee is $378 per person. The early bird rate ends on May 1, 2019. After May 1st, the registration fee will be $478 per person. If you are registering 3 or more from the same school district, you are eligible to receive a 10% discount.
Payment options: Purchase order, Check, VISA or MasterCard.
ALL checks payable to the University of Mississippi.
Fax registration forms to (662) 915-5138 (Attn: PDLL Office) or you can scan it to pdll@olemiss.edu.
If you would like to register via phone, please call Mary Leach at (662) 915-7847 or Griffin Stroupe at (662) 915-3121.
Registration Deadline
Limited seating, so please register early. Registration closes on June 18, 2019.
Download Printable Registration form Register Online Now Online Registration for 3 or more
(8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.)
During the week, days start early and end late as we work in small and large learning communities, focusing on crucial question. This year, we’ll be guided by the following questions:
- What does it mean to be a community of readers and writers?
- How do we develop responsive and responsible readers and writers?
- What do we do when students say “I hate to read and write?”
Each Day….
We begin early with a large group literacy session. After the break, we convene in small sessions to lead to more hands-on literacy strategies and interventions.
After lunch, we return to small groups and will closely examine at topics such as:
- How do I create reader-writer notebooks?
- How do I help struggling readers?
- How do I encourage productive talk in the classroom?
- How do I manage behavior in order for me to teach my kids in small group instructions?
- What tech tolls help me to connect kids to books?
- How do I encourage reluctant readers to read?
Day 1
Cookies and Conversation: In the late afternoon, we set aside time for you to do some reading and writing on your own, or talk with presenters about questions you have.
Day 2
Ice cream and Ideas: Again one-on-one conversations with presenters and speakers.
Enjoy dinner on your own in the surrounding area.
General Information
CEU Approval
CEU and SEMI credit approvals are pending. This page will be updated in the future to reflect the actual number of credits approved.
Accommodating Special Needs
If you require special assistance relating to a disability, please contact Mary W. Leach, Director, Office of Professional Development and Lifelong Learning at (662) 915-7847 or mleach@olemiss.edu.
In order to receive a full refund of the registration fee, cancel registration in writing no later than May 30, 2019. No refunds will be issued for cancellations after May 30, 2019. You may substitute another person from the same institution.
Conference Logistical Coordination
The University of Mississippi, Office of Professional Development and Lifelong Learning, Division of Outreach and Continuing Education, P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677-1848 U.S.A. O: 1+662-915-7847 • F: 1+662-915-5138
Conference Host
National Literacy Institute, 8325 Broadway, Ste. 202, Pearland, Texas 77581, Dr. Ingrid Haynes, O: 1+866-921-5849, ingridhaynesphd@gmail.com.
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Inn at Ole Miss located on the campus of the University of Mississippi. You are responsible for paying for and making your own overnight reservations. You may call the Inn at Ole Miss at 888-486-7666 or (662) 234-2331 and be sure to make reference to “Literacy Institute Group”. Online reservations can be made by going to www.theinnatolemiss.com using reference code 4461.
Deadline to book a room at the Inn at Ole Miss is May 27, 2019.
Contact Information
Should you have questions or concerns about the conference schedule, please contact the National Literacy Institute, Dr. Ingrid Haynes at (866) 921-5849 or at ingridhaynesphd@gmail.com.
Have Questions?
Should you have questions or concerns about the registration process, please contact Mary W. Leach, Director of the Office of Professional Development, Division of Outreach and Continuing Education, Post Office Box 1848, University, MS 38677-1848, (662) 915-7847 or at mleach@olemiss.edu.