JAC Service Requests

This page includes information, contacts, and forms to handle building-related issues at the Jackson Avenue Center.

The physical address of the Jackson Avenue Center is:
Attn: [employee name]
Outreach & Continuing Education (or other JAC occupant — i.e. CMSE, HR, Math Lab)
1111 Jackson Avenue West, Oxford, MS 38655
This address should also be used for UPS, FedEx, etc.

The USPS mailing address for the Jackson Avenue Center is:
P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677

Interdepartmental mail and incoming/outgoing mail:
All incoming and outgoing mail is located at the Welcome Desk area. All outgoing mail should be placed in the out box there. Make sure that all mail has a mail charge card attached to the external mail item(s). Campus and external mail are both picked up at approximately 8:00 a.m. Incoming mail is also usually dropped off in the receptionist’s area at 8:00 a.m.

For technical location references, please use this Technical Engineering Drawing.

For a visitors' map, please use this JAC map of interior offices, classrooms, and auditoriums.

If you need immediate assistance during business hours regarding a specific issue, which is of an emergency nature, please contact Building Mayor Mary Leach:

Office: (662) 915-7847
Cellphone: (662) 202-5930
Email: jacrequests@olemiss.edu

If there is an issue with the building outside of normal working hours or on the weekend, you will need to contact the UM Dispatch Office (ext. 7087; (662) 915-7087). You will need to be prepared to share with them the specific issue as well as the exact location, and may need to remain on location to meet and show them the problem. Examples of some things that may require that you call dispatch after hours or on the weekend include: temperature, lighting issues, active leaks, and/or major bathroom issues.

For other issues related to the building that the dispatcher cannot assist you with, including suspicious individuals/activities or other security concerns, you will need to call the University Police Department (ext. 7234; (662) 915-7234).

Please also follow this up with an email to jacrequests@olemiss.edu, as we are sometimes not informed of issues that occur after hours.

Services include, but are not limited to, pest control, floor waxing, touch-up painting, carpet cleaning, power washing, etc. Please complete the maintenance form if you would like to notify us of a space that you think should receive any of these services.

If you have a new employee (full-time/part-time/student/grad assistant/etc) who may have building/office requests, please complete our Request for New Employee Form. Examples of possible requests include, but are not limited to, new keys, carpet cleaning, wall painting, hanging pictures, etc.

If you have employees leaving the department (graduating, transferring to another department, or leaving UM), please use this Post-Employment Form. REMEMBER: Additional HR forms are required to be submitted separately from this internal document.

Existing employees may use these forms to make specific requests to the Building Mayor. If your need is not addressed in these forms, please email jacrequests@olemiss.edu.

If you need to change or remove someone's access to/from the building/suite, please complete our building/suite access form.

If you have any telecommunications requests, please complete our telecommunications requests form. Examples of possible requests include, but are not limited to the addition or removal of a phone line, switching phone lines, voice mail, etc..

If you need a physical key for any Jackson Avenue Center space or Outreach controlled space(s), please complete the key request form.

If you have requests for repair, removal, or replacement of furniture, please complete our furniture request form. NOTE: Any requests for new furniture must be approved by the Associate Director of Outreach.

All requests related to IT (software, hardware, updates, technical assistance, etc.) should be directed to the Office of Technology and Interactive Video.

To request new equipment, please download the Outreach Request for IT Purchase Form.

To request IT-related help with current equipment, please fill out the IT Issue Request Form.

For any electronic property (computers, laptops, televisions, monitors, etc.), contact Outreach IT at cbnewell@olemiss.edu.

For furniture and other property, contact the Building Mayor at jacrequests@olemiss.edu.