EDLS 301 Children's Literature k-8

EDLS 301 IS Sec 3, University of Mississippi
[See UM Catalog for Description]

3 credit hours

Instructor Information:

Dr. Diane Lowry

Instructor name:
Diane Lowry, EdD, Clinical Associate Professor of Special Education, University of Mississippi

I am currently a Clinical Associate Professor of Special Education in the Department of Teacher Education at The University of Mississippi. I received my Bachelors degree in Communication Disorders; Master's Degree in Special Education; and Doctorate Degree in Elementary Education with an emphasis in reading instruction. I have taught special education for 30 years. I moved to Oxford from Marietta, Georgia in 2004. I have taught all grade levels and all special education service models, which includes resource, self-contained, and co-teaching. I was a supervisor in special education in Georgia. I have taught the gifted endorsement courses since 2006. I teach special education courses on the Oxford campus. I received the Outstanding Teacher Award in 2020.

Contact Information:

If you have questions concerning the content of the course, you may contact the instructor directly using the Email Your Instructor link in the Lessons or Content page. NOTE: Whenever sending email, please be sure to indicate your course title and number in the subject line. You can expect a response within 72 hours, although it may be longer on weekends. Many instructors reply within 24 hours.

For lesson or test administration issues, please

The University of Mississippi
Division of Outreach and Continuing Education
P. O. Box 1848
University, MS 38677

contact the iStudy department:

Phone: (662) 915-7313, toll-free (877) 915-7313
Fax: (662) 915-8826
E-mail: istudy@olemiss.edu

Course Description

The 11-chapter Independent Study course focuses on the study of the various genres of literature for children with emphasis upon criteria for selecting and interpreting quality material for children who are at different developmental levels and upon recognizing the dimensions of response to literature.

Methods of Presentation: Reading assignments, written student response questions, and practice activities.

Textbook Information:

Textbook information will be provided upon enrollment in your iStudy course.

Course Objectives:

Objectives include (but are not limited to):

  1. To establish the importance of the role of literature in developing language and literacy of all children.
  2. To learn to select literature for children in accordance with their developmental levels and changing interests.
  3. To develop criteria for evaluating the various kinds or genres of children's literature.
  4. To become aware of theories of response to literature.
  5. To acquaint students with outstanding authors and illustrators of children's literature.
  6. To aid students in dealing with current issues in book selection and teaching.
  7. To introduce students to a variety of aids and techniques for broadening and deepening children's response to literature in elementary and middle schools.

Course Outline:

This course is composed of 11 instructional modules and 2 proctored examinations.

You MUST take the syllabus quiz within 2 weeks of enrolling or you will be dropped from the course. NOTE: you must pass the Syllabus and Orientation Quiz for the course materials to appear on the Lessons page.


Reading Assignments

Due for Grades


*You MUST complete the syllabus quiz as soon as you have access to your Blackboard course. This is mandatory to verify your attendance.* NOTE: you must pass the Syllabus and Orientation Quiz for the course materials to appear on the Lessons page.

Syllabus Quiz



Discussion board, Literary activity


 Chapter 1: Knowing Children’s Literature

Timed quiz


Chapter 2: Understanding Children’s Responses to Literature

Literary activity, timed quiz


Chapter 3: Picturebooks

Timed quiz


Chapter 4: Traditional Literature

Timed quiz


Chapter 5: Modern Fantasy

Literary activity, timed quiz


Chapter 6: Poetry

Literary activity, timed quiz

Midcourse Exam

Covers chapters 1-6

To be scheduled
and completed


If you are a semester student, you must reach the midpoint of your course by the date specified in your orientation information.
If you are a Flex UM student, you CANNOT WITHDRAW from this course after the lesson has been submitted.

All lesson assignments or exams needed to reach the midpoint of the course.
The exact date semester students are required to reach the midpoint is specified in your orientation information.


Chapter 7: Contemporary Realistic Fiction

Timed quiz


Chapter 8: Historical Fiction

Literary activity, timed quiz


Chapter 9: Nonfiction

Timed quiz


Chapter 10: Biography

Timed quiz


Chapter 11: Planning the Literature Program

Literary activity, timed quiz

Final Exam

Covers chapters 7-11 (ensure all work is completed and graded prior to scheduling this exam)

To be scheduled
and completed
to finalize credit

You MUST complete the syllabus quiz as soon as you have access to your Blackboard course. This is mandatory to verify your attendance. *  NOTE: you must pass the Syllabus and Orientation Quiz for the course materials to appear on the Lessons page.


A   93-100
A-   90-92
B+   87-89
B   83-86
B-   80-82
C+   77-79
C   73-76
C-   70-72
D   60-69
F   Below 60

The grading format is as follows:
Lesson Assignments (quizzes and literary activities) 34%
Midterm Exam 33%
Final Exam 33%


You must submit the lessons required to take the course exam(s). Lessons required but not submitted will receive a grade of zero. For the final exam, all coursework must be submitted and graded.