Summer College

for High School Students at Ole Miss

Summer College for High School Students is a four-week comprehensive program for high-achieving high school students who want to experience university life.

Qualified students earn college credits, get familiar with the collegiate environment, and develop social, personal, and academic skills that will increase their overall success in college. Participants in Summer College also have the opportunity to gain dual credit (high school and college) for classes taken during the summer. 

Registration Closed

What Students are Saying

Former participants have shared their feedback with us. Take a look!

“I have met amazing people who have inspired me to think differently … I have also been introduced to careers and hobbies I would never have thought of before!”

Student ParticipantSummer 2021

“I liked the freedom and responsibility paired with having time to get to know peers. I appreciated being able to do whatever I wanted on campus before/after classes and still having counselors to ask for help.”

Student Virtual ParticipantSummer 2021

“Summer College definitely opened my mind to different possibilities for majors and careers and also helped prepare me for life in college.”

Student ParticipantSummer 2018