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90th Southeastern Conference on Linguistics (SECOL)

Welcome to SECOL 2023!

Thank you for traveling from near and far to Oxford, Mississippi, for the Southeastern Conference on Linguistics. We are thrilled to be back in person for SECOL 90, and we are proud to carry on the tradition of our annual conference after more than fifty years in the Southeast (we constituted in 1969).

We have an exciting program at this conference, with a wide range of presentation topics that offer the opportunity to explore current and future research directions. This meeting is also a chance to renew friendships and extend our networks; we look forward to getting back to amicable and productive conversations not only in the presentation rooms but also over meals and coffee breaks, which has always been a highlight of spending these days in the company of SECOL members from across the country. Look also to the SEC Spanish consortium in Ballroom D for some interesting sessions. Our keynote speaker, Sali Tagliamonte will surely make us think with her insightful talk!

Thank you to each and every one of you for being here with us. We are very pleased to be able to welcome those of you who have been with us for a long time now as well as those who are new to SECOL. We hope you all enjoy the conference!

Thanks to local host Felice Coles, and thanks to our sponsors: the Department of Modern Languages, the College of Liberal Arts, the Graduate School, Outreach, the Inn at Ole Miss, and Alpha Lambda Delta.


[Download a .pdf schedule file]

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Event/Time Ballroom A Ballroom B Ballroom C
8:00 – 9:00 a.m.
First Panels
9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Second Language Classrooms
Altunel, Yu, Zhao, “From Face-to-Face Classrooms to TikTok Videos: How Instructional Language of English Teaching Has Changed?”
Lee, Campbell, Doss, Hibbard, “Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation to Study Foreign Languages”
Valenzuela-Hernández, Weston Piccoli, “Purpose, Adaptability, Creativity, and Enjoyment (PACE): Four Lessons Learned Using Task-Based Language Teaching”
CHAIR: Tamara Warhol
TIMER: Sumayah Aljohani
Acquisition I
Thiede, “Defining Language Nutrition as a Human Right”
Christodoulou, “Language Acquisition in the American South: Does Language Variation Play a Role in Language Development?”
CHAIR: Ala Simonchyk
TIMER: Salman Altamimi
Coffee Break: 10:30 – 10:45 a.m.
Second Panels
10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Second Language Learning
Dulli, “The Gap Between High School and University in Learning English in a Saudi University”
Rutland, “Perceived Benefits and Barriers on the Implementation of the Mississippi Seal of Biliteracy in Two Schools in North Mississippi”
Lee, “Raising Students’ Awareness: A Video-Recording Viewing Activity”
CHAIR: Henrietta Yang
TIMER: Ali Alamry
Appalachia I
Reed, “Place Matters: Velar Nasal Fronting in Northeast Tennessee”
CHAIR: Ralf Thiede
TIMER: Ali Alamry
Iepuri, “When Russian and Ukrainian Are Intertwined: Surzhyk in Ukraine”
Costa-Silva, “A Matter of Space: The Acquisition of Motion Encoding by English-Portuguese Bilinguals across Proficiency Levels”
CHAIR: Julia Bussade
TIMER: Dayni Diaz
Lunch Break: 12:15 – 2:00 p.m.
Third Panels
2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Language Policy
Bueno dos Santos, Saraiva Rodrigues, “English as an Additional Language in Brazil: Political and Social Linguistic Implications in the Low Rate of International Academic Mobility”
Hannahan, “Language Attitude Influence: Association of Quechua with English Enhances Positive Attitudes toward Quechua”
Kaya, “The Turkish Language: Resistance and Acceptance of Foreign Words”
CHAIR: Julia Bussade
TIMER: Rosa Rutland
Dialect Variation I
Lee, “Ethnicity Affecting Accommodation in Exemplar Priming: An Analysis Based on Korean /ɨ/ Epenthesis in English”
Miller, Renwick, Brailey-Jones, “Comparing Palatalization of /t d/ across Word Boundaries in UK English”
Blount, “What’s Your Sign for CRAWFISH? Language Variation and Documentation in Mississippi’s Deaf Community”
CHAIR: Theresa McGarry
TIMER: Leah Nodar
Linguistic Gender
Elorrieta, “Is Inclusive Language in Spanish an Unheard-of Imposition of New Morphology?”
Langlois, O’Sullivan, “Re-Gendering French: Beyond the Masculine and Feminine Binary”
CHAIR: Diane Marting
TIMER: Mai Pelayo Peña
Coffee Break: 3:30 – 3:45 p.m.
Fourth Panels
2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Speech Acts
Honegger, “Apologies and Non-Apologies in “I’m Sorry””
Alotaibi, “Apology in the United States and Saudi Arabia”
CHAIR: Asmaa Shehata
TIMER: Dhafer Albishi
Dialect Variation II
Shport, “Mechanisms of Reduction in Diphthongs: What Gets to Be Reduced?”
Lundergan, “Change in /o/-Fronting in Raleigh”
CHAIR: Paul Reed
TIMER: Ali Alamry
Spanish Second Language Learning
Fionda, Wright, Valle Arévalo, “Cognitive Performance and L2 Spanish Verb-Clitic Processing”
Gamboa García, “Perception of Dialectal Allophones by Spanish L2 Learners”
CHAIR: Felice Coles
TIMER: Shanshan Duan

Friday, March 10, 2023

Event/Time Ballroom A Ballroom B Ballroom C
8:00 – 9:00 a.m.
Fifth Panels
9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Appalachia II
Burkette, Cramer, “Understanding Appalachian Englishes in the 21st Century: Integrating Production and Perception”
CHAIR: Mark Honegger
Language in the Media
Brown, “The Intersection of Nationality and Religious Identity in Digital Spaces: Social Indexicality and Identity Construction on Twitter”
McGarry, Ledbetter, “If-Constructions in Letters to the Editor”
Schaefer, Warhol, “Neurodivergent Japanese Speech Styles and Translanguaging in Entertainment Media”
CHAIR: Tamara Lindner
TIMER: Samah Dulli
Spanish Attitudinal Studies
Cancilla, “Spanglish in the Miami Workplace: Language Attitudes Toward Spanish-English Codeswitching in Professional Settings”
Coles, “Authentication in Isleño Spanish
CHAIR: Daniel Valle Arévalo
TIMER: Rosa Rutland
Coffee Break: 10:30 – 10:45 a.m.
Sixth Panels
10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Dialects Variation III
Bowen, Kadiri, Hampton, Koogle Shuler, Walker, “’Totally Different Dialect Altogether’: Perceptions of Linguistic Variation within Southwest Virginia”
Lopez, Branson, Carter, Walker, “Has Your Accent Changed a LOT? Phonetic and Phonological Second Dialect Acquisition of in English-Speaking Migrants”
CHAIR: Allison Burkette
TIMER: Ahmed Alshamrani
Morphology in World Languages
Akishev, “A Morphosemantic Approach to Loanword Frequency Prediction”
Anthony, “Derivational Morphology and Compounding: Toward Enhancing the Teaching and Learning of Gungbe”
Corum, “Body Part Terms and World- Wide Features of English-Lexifier Creoles: Focus on Stronghead”
CHAIR: Vance Schaefer
TIMER: Iuliia Rychkova
Spanish Morphosyntax
Iles, “Sociolinguistic Analysis of Adverbial Intensifiers Muy (‘very’), Bien (‘good’), and Súper (‘super’) in Two Spanish-Speaking Communities: Puerto Ricans in Louisiana and Mexicans in Oregon”
Whitfield, Orozco, “Is Intensification in
Spanish a Morphological or a Periphrastic Phenomenon?”
CHAIR: Robyn Wright
TIMER: Corey Blount
Lunch Break: 12:15 – 2:00 p.m.
Seventh Panels
2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Dialects Variation IV
Passarelli, “Old Data, New Tricks: Exploring New Methods and Approaches Toward Linguistic Atlas Project Data”
Fong, “An Exploration of Mixed Race and the California Vowel Shift”
Rychkova, “The Subtle Art of Saying Goodbye in the American South”
CHAIR: Valentina Iepuri
TIMER: Arwa Alsindy
World Languages
Escamilla, “Location Event Structure Metaphors in Hupa (Dene; California)”
Valle Arévalo, “Generational Differences in the Use of Switch-Reference Marking in Kakataibo (Pano)”
Schleh, “Tones and Tone Sandhi in Yangxin Gan”
CHAIR: Abby Walker
TIMER: Abdullah Balbaid
Applied Phonology
Medina, Socarrás, “Speech Decoding of Aural Input in L2 Spanish: Facilitative or Detrimental Factors”
Cheng, “Different Phonographic L1 Effects in Processing L2 Chinese Character: The Role of Phonology and Orthography in the Lexical Entry”
Shehata, “The Interlanguage Speech Intelligibility Benefit: New Data”
CHAIR: Maria Fionda
TIMER: Meixing Yi
3:30 - 4:30 p.m. General Business Meeting
5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Reception
6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Keynote Speech: Sali Tagliamonte (University of Toronto) “Two Cultures Way Up North in Ontario There: The English, They Sound Like the French!”

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Event/Time Ballroom A Ballroom B Ballroom C
8:00 – 9:00 a.m.
Eighth Panels
9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
African American Language I
Nodar, “Pronominal Apposition, It Could Be Useful: Bringing Back an Abandoned Variable in Sociolinguistics”
Craft, “The Discourse of Jim Crow: A Case Study of the (Un)Intended (Re)Marginalization of African Americans in a Library of Congress Ethnographic Interview”
Fletcher, Forrest, “An Updated Look at Variation in Interdentals in Varieties of Georgia AAE”
CHAIR: Tom Lewis
TIMER: Rongrong Hao
Discourse I
Ireland, “Health Communication Discourses: Keywords in CDC, NHS, and WHO Tweets”
CHAIR: Ramon Escamilla
Coffee Break: 10:30 – 10:45 a.m.
Ninth Panels
10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
African American Language II
Christodoulou, Tsimpli, Alquayb, “Comprehension of Wh- Questions and Passive Voice in Southern African American English and Southern English”
Wright, “Language and Embodiment: Prioritizing the Language User”
Lewis, Scott, “Conditioned Shifts: An Analysis of Factors Shaping Participation in the AAVS in Jackson, MS”
CHAIR: Jon Forrest
TIMER: Neema Loy
Discourse II
Warhol, “Discursively (De)constructing Bipolar Identity in Blogs about Bipolar Disorder”
Lowry, ““You will never be”: Exclusionary Tactics and Stance Cohorts in Transphobic Hate Speech”
Johnson, “’Those are some funny-ass jokes!’: Linguistic Insight from Professional Comedians in the Undergraduate Classroom”
CHAIR: Michael Raines
TIMER: Iuliia Rychkova

Registration Information

Register Now

  • We accept MasterCard and Visa only.
  • Please note: charges will appear on your statement as “Outreach Cont. Ed.” 

Refund and Cancellation Policy: Request for refunds will be honored when received on or before February 27, 2023. A $50 administrative fee will be deducted for cancellations.  In the unlikely event that this program is canceled or postponed due to insufficient enrollments or unforeseen circumstances, the university will fully refund registration fees but cannot be held responsible for any other expenses, including cancellations or change charges assessed by airlines, hotel, travel agencies or other organizations

Early Bird Registration Fee (October 1 - December 1, 2019)
SECOL Member*: $150
Non-Member: $200
Student Member: $75
Non-Student Member: $125
Registration Fee (October 1, 2022 – February 27, 2023)
SECOL Member*: $175
Non-Member: $225
Student Member*: $85
Non-Student Member: $150
Onsite Registration Fee (March 9, 2023)
SECOL Member*: $195
Non-Member: $245
Student Member*: $105
Non-Student Member: $170

*Membership will be verified with SECOL.

Keynote Speaker

SALI A. TAGLIAMONTE is Canada Research Chair in Language Variation and Change, a Full Professor and the current Head of the Linguistics Department at the University of Toronto. She is a member of the Royal Society of Canada and a Fellow of the Linguistic Society of America. Her research focuses on morpho-syntactic and discourse-pragmatic features using cross-community comparisons and apparent time to explore linguistic change. She has authored six books and is the editor of the monograph series, Studies in Language Variation and Change, published by Cambridge University Press.

About the University of Mississippi

Accommodating Special Needs

If you require assistance relating to a disability or have special dietary requirements, please contact Mary Leach at or 662-915-7847 at least 14 days prior to the conference.

Contact Us

For information about registration or logistics, please contact the Office of Professional Development and Lifelong Learning at 662-915-7847 or 662-915-3121 or at

For program or schedule specific questions, please contact the conference host, Felice Coles at