Courses Tied to UM’s 60th Anniversary of Integration
Topics include minorities in health professions, politics of inequality
Ecology and Evolution of Sky Island Biodiversity
Dates: On campus: None; On Location: July 29 – August 10, 2019
Credit Hours: 3 or 4
Instructor: Dr. Jason Hoeksema, Associate Professor of Biology
Cost: $1,195 plus tuition
Application Deadline: April 11, 2019
Itinerary subject to change. Please verify specific dates with instructor and confirm that the course has adequate enrollment to make before making travel arrangements.
The dates are July 29 – August 10, 2019. Students will study under the guidance of the instructor and local researchers in Arizona.
Students will travel to Arizona to learn about biodiversity from July 29 – August 10, 2019. The group will be in Tucson on July29 and Sierra Vista on July 30, before traveling to Portal, Arizona for the remainder of the stay.
This course is open to all majors. Students seeking Biology credit should have completed BISC 160, 161, 162, and 163 before the course begins and should register for BISC 380. Other students should sign up for ENVS 399, for which there are no prerequisites, and which can be counted toward and Environmental Studies minor. Student groups who may be particularly interested include Ole Miss Birders, Ole Miss Outdoors, and the Office of Sustainability.
The course fee is $1,195 plus tuition. Included in the course fee are accommodations, meals from July 31 – August 10, ground transportation in Arizona, tours, and admissions. Excluded from the course fee are the Study USA application fee, tuition, meals except for those noted above, airport transportation, airfare, and personal spending money.
Students will make their own arrangements to and from Tucson, Arizona. The University will provide group ground transportation from Tucson to the other sites in Arizona and then back to Tucson for departure on August 10.
Topics include minorities in health professions, politics of inequality
Fund makes experiential learning opportunities possible, can be applied to Study USA programs.