What is Study USA?

Study USA courses connect your subject area expertise to geographically distinct locations across the country to elevate student learning. This could mean fieldwork in the Arizona desert or meeting with technology companies in Silicon Valley. These short-term faculty-led travel classes throughout the United States are opportunities for engaged learning, which allows student to use all of their senses to experience course content in a real-world context.  Through Study USA you can also introduce students to professionals in the field and expose them to new career pathways. 

Enhance what students have been studying in class and let them watch it come alive on location. You focus on the course content and the Study USA office will focus on the planning and logistics. 

Whatever your area of interest, we can help you plan a program that will excite and inspire your students while providing you the opportunity to build your network and expand your research. See the past course list to review the diverse locations of travel courses offered by Study USA in previous terms.

Study USA courses are primarily offered during intersessions, but we can work with faculty to offer a class at the time that works best for your content, your destination, and/or your students. Course proposals are welcomed from all academic disciplines. Study USA will assist selected programs with student recruitment, applications and enrollments, travel logistics, and all necessary documentation. 

Course Proposal Deadlines
Summer & Fall October 15
Winter & Spring
March 28

Study USA Course Development

The Course Proposal and Planning Process

  1. Identify a course topic and travel location. The past course list could provide inspiration and a cross-reference to view recent program offerings. Study USA staff can help research program locations that complement your academic interests and proposed course content.
  2. Work with your department chair to determine the feasibility of your Study USA course. Department Chair and Dean approval are required for new Study USA courses.
  3. Begin a course proposal form. The form requires a course description and syllabus submission. Study USA staff will forward your form for chair and/or dean approval.

After your proposal is accepted you will…

  • Meet with the Study USA Coordinator to refine course details for course fees, logistics planning, marketing, and promotion
  • Begin recruiting students – you are the best promoter of your program
  • Communicate with prospective and enrolled students about program logistics and requirements

Course Proposal Form

Study USA Administrative Services

Steps led by our staff after your course proposal is accepted:

Before travel, we will...

  • Develop budgets for the program, including Study USA scholarships for students with financial need
  • Plan for any on-site activities with students and/or professional guests
  • Create and distribute promotional materials in collaboration with the Division of Outreach’s Office of Marketing and Communications
  • Recruit students through informational sessions and class visits
  • Manage student applications and enroll students into Study USA courses
  • Arrange travel logistics such as submitting pre-payments for student meals or activities and reserving lodging accommodations
  • Prepare UM Travel Authorization forms
  • Process UM E-forms for faculty pay
  • Coordinate student communications for orientation, safety, and logistics 
  • Maintain student health and emergency forms in accordance with university and HIPPA standards

While you're traveling, we will...

  • Communicate with students by tracking their arrivals and departures and helping to navigate any travel issues, if they arise
  • Uphold the academic integrity of your program by addressing student behavior and conduct, if needed
  • Remain vigilant about student health and safety and serve as emergency contacts

While you're traveling…

  • Submit UM Travel Reimbursement forms
  • Assess and promote the success of your course
  • Plan for future course offerings