Courses Tied to UM’s 60th Anniversary of Integration
Topics include minorities in health professions, politics of inequality
Dates: Jan 5-10, 2022, in New Orleans; January 13-14, 2022, in Oxford*
Credit Hours: 3
Instructors: Dr. Rachel Johnson, Director of Writing Center & Instructor of Writing and Rhetoric
Course Fee: $900 plus tuition
Application Deadline: November 4, 2021
*Itinerary subject to change. Students should wait to make travel arrangements until after confirming dates and times with instructors
Dates: Students will need to be on location in New Orleans on January 5, 2022, for class running January 5-10, 2022. Students will then be back in Oxford for class meetings on January 13th and 14th.
Location: A majority of the course will take place in businesses and cultural centers throughout New Orleans.
This cross-listed course may interest students in the Humanities and Social Sciences (particularly History, Sociology, Gender Studies, English, African American Studies, Journalism, Writing, and Education) as well as students enrolled in General Studies.
Students in the following organizations may also be interested in this cross-listed course: UM Pride Network, UM NAACP, RASA, Students Against Social Injustice, FEMISS, students affiliated with the Center for Inclusion & Cross-Cultural Engagement and the William Winter Institute.
There are no prerequisites to register for GSt 395 but students seeking WRIT 398 credit will need to have completed WRIT/LIBA/HON/ENGL 102.
Students are responsible for making their own travel arrangements to and from New Orleans, LA. Ground Transportation related to program activities will be provided during program dates in New Orleans.
The course fee is $900. Included in the fee are housing, group ground transportation, select group meals, and museum fees. Excluded from the cost are tuition, travel expenses to/from New Orleans, most meals, and personal spending money.
Topics include minorities in health professions, politics of inequality
Fund makes experiential learning opportunities possible, can be applied to Study USA programs.