The University of Mississippi Writing Project

“Teachers Teaching Teachers”

The University of Mississippi Writing Project is one of 200 sites of the National Writing Project and is a member with the seven state sites that form the Mississippi Writing/Thinking Institute. 

The UMWP serves a seventeen-county area of north Mississippi, offering credit, non-credit, and CEU (continuing education credit) activities that serve schools and teachers in meeting staff development and re-certification needs.

Using the NWP model, our Summer Institute brings new teachers into our program. During the school year, the theories introduced in the Summer Institute are reinforced in our continuity meetings, which are open to any teacher who has participated in a Summer Institute, or to anyone interested in learning more about the Writing Project.

The UM Writing Project conducts professional development activities for teachers, based on the NWP Basic Assumptions. Through University and school collaboration we have trained teacher-consultants who teach other teachers effective methods of teaching writing and reading, using sound practices and current research. 

The University of Mississippi Writing Project, as an affiliate of the National Writing Project, is named as a school reform model for the federal Comprehensive School Reform project.

Transitioning to College Writing Symposium

An annual symposium for teachers and students of composition, from middle school through university levels.

National Writing Project

The University of Mississippi Writing Project is one of 160 sites of the National Writing Project.