Administrators and Assistants
Summer, Winter, Intersessions & Online FAQs
Listed below are answers administrators and their assistants may find helpful, including information on salary calculations, low enrollments, and e-forms.
Calculating Salaries
For more detailed information concerning the topic and questions below, please refer to the Academic Outreach Policy and Procedures Handbook.
You will use the fiscal year salary for calculations to correspond with the academic year. For example, summer terms are attached to the Fall academic year start. Academic year 2020-2021 is FY21. While 2nd Summer and August Intersession technically fall in FY22, they are considered part of academic year 2020-2021, therefore FY21 salary figures are used to calculate 2nd Summer and August Intersession overload salaries.
Round salaries to the nearest dollar. For example, if your calculations are $5678.23, the salary will be $5678. If your calculation is $5678.89, the salary will be $5679.
9-month salary x .0833 = 3-credit hour course salary
- Ex: $52,375 (9-month salary) x .0833 = $4,362.8375 (round up to nearest dollar = $4,363)
12-month salary x .75 = 9-month salary x .0833 = 3-credit hour course salary
- Ex: $79,356 (12-month salary) x .75 = $59,517 x .0833 = $4,957.7661 (round up to nearest dollar = $4,958)
3 credit hour course salary/3 = 1-credit hour course salary
- Ex: $4363 / 3 = $1,454.33 (rounding = $1,454)
1 credit hour salary x number of credit hours of course = course salary
- Ex: $1,454 x 2 (if a 2-credit hour course) = $2,908
If the employee salary calculation is under the minimum, adjust up to the minimum salary.
Professorial faculty (associate, assistant, adjunct, visiting): $4,635 – no maximum limit
Instructors or 12-month employees: a minimum of $4,375
Graduate students as instructor of record receive $3,500 per 3-credit hour course.
Graduate students as course assistants/graders receive $1,500 per 3-credit hour course.*
Undergraduate students as course assistants/graders receive $1,000 per 3-credit hour course.*
* This is not the same as a graduate assistantship.
Under Enrollment Cancellations
For more detailed information concerning the topic and questions below, please refer to the Academic Outreach Policy and Procedures Handbook.
Undergraduate traditional courses (summers and wintersession) and web-based courses (all terms) minimum enrollment is 12 students.
Graduate traditional courses (summers and wintersession) and web-based courses (all terms minimum enrollment is 10 students.
Summer College participating courses need a minimum of 10 students.
A department can request an under enrollment course to run by submitting a Request for Under-Enrollment Course form no later than one week prior to the start of the term. The Director of Academic Outreach will review the course and final determinations will be communicated to the department.
Step 1: Determine the total number of students enrolled in the section and the minimum number of enrollments needed to “make”.
- Ex: Web 1 of UM 101 has 8 students enrolled but needs 12 as it is a 100-level undergraduate course.
- If the course is graduate level, the minimum enrollment is 10 students.
Step 2: Divide the course salary by the graduate (10) or undergraduate (12) minimum.
- Ex: $5,000 / 12 = $416.66
Step 3: Multiply the result from step 2 by the number of students enrolled to determine the salary paid by Academic Outreach (the academic department is responsible for the remainder of the course salary).
- Ex: $416.66 x 8 (from example in step 1) = $3,333.33
- Academic Outreach pays $3,333.33
- Academic Department pays $1,666.67
Each department should communicate with the instructor of record the minimum enrollment policy and procedures prior to offering a course.
If a course does not meet the enrollment minimum and is scheduled to be cancelled, the department will need to inform the instructor of record of the course cancellation.
If students are enrolled in the course, the department of the Office of Academic Outreach will communicate with the students.
Processing E-Forms
For more detailed information concerning e-forms, please visit HR’s E-form Review.
You should submit a Form 40 for instructors who are teaching an over-load course or for 12-month staff teaching a course.
An e-form 7 is to be submitted for students who are paid on a salaried basis.
You will submit a Form 3 when you need to make an adjustment to an already approved Form 40 or Form 7 (including cancelling a Form 40).
Submit a Form 40 or Form 7 when the instructor of record is confirmed (and not subject to change, excluding emergencies) AND the course has met the minimum enrollment and is confirmed, or an under enrollment exception has been submitted and approved.
Note: A Form 40 (for faculty/staff) can ONLY include information for one (1) course BUT a Form 7 (for students) can include information for multiple courses.
Include the following information in a Form 40 or Form 7:
- In the description field, include the instructor, course, section, meeting times or web/online designation, enrollment number as of submission date, and specific term.
- Salary calculation rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
- Term dates entered according to Human Resources in the format of MM/DD/YYYY.
- For live summer and intersession courses: Use the department’s specific summer account number.
- For ALL web-based courses: Use the online account number (100143007A).
Academic Department Chair School/College Academic Dean Summer & Online Sessions Outreach Human Resources
Academic Department Chair Summer & Online Sessions Outreach Graduate School Human Resources
*Please note: Some deans would like Form 7s routed to them as well. Please check with your department dean for routing preference.
Online & Summer Sessions Forms
- Chair Summer Teaching Request Form
Department chairs who receive compensation through Academic Outreach, either as a portion of their regular contracted salary or as an administrative stipend, should be engaged in administrative work and scholarship during the summer and intersession periods. With the approval of the appropriate dean, and without additional compensation, a chair may teach one course during the summer or intersession terms as part of his or her departmental responsibility. The Provost, in consultation with the appropriate dean, may approve terms and conditions for a department chair to assume additional teaching responsibilities during these sessions. - Under Enrollment Request Form
To be completed when a course does not meet the minimum enrollment required to “make”. - Request for Teaching Assistant Form*
High enrollment courses may be eligible for inclusion of a course assistant/grader. These positions must be pre-approved through the Office of Academic Outreach. - Summer PhD Instructor Scholarship Form
Any PhD student teaching a 3-credit hour, traditional face-to-face summer course, will be eligible to receive a tuition waiver from Academic Outreach and the Division of Outreach to take a 3-credit hour course offered in any current summer sessions in which the student is not an instructor of record.
* This is not the same as a graduate assistantship.