Online Course Support
University of Mississippi online instructors may receive online course support in the form of consultations and on-demand resources. This section provides information on and access to:
- Online Instructor Survival Guide
- Captioning support for course materials
- Zoom videoconferencing access
- Online Course Enrichment Program
- Panopto and Blackboard
- Testing Services for online courses
Captioning and Transcription
The term “captions” or “closed captioning” refers to the scrolling text at the bottom of a screen that is an exact transcription of all spoken words (English). Captions assist individuals with hearing impairments to have equal access to course videos. At the University of Mississippi, we are committed to providing equal access to all students, faculty, and staff. We are committed to upholding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by providing all persons with disabilities equal access to learn and grow. Captions can also provide a deeper level of learning for students who struggle with auditory learning, such as those with Central Auditory Processing difficulties. By utilizing captions, we are creating a more accessible learning environment that reaches more learners and adopts a Universal Design model.
Captioning Requests
The University of Mississippi follows standard practices and Universal Design principles with all aspects of online course design. For assistance with creating captions for your course, please submit a University of Mississippi Captioning Request.
Zoom Videoconferencing Access
Zoom offers communications software that combines video conferencing, online meetings, chat, and mobile collaboration into one platform.
The University of Mississippi currently provides all faculty, staff, and students with a university licensed Zoom account. To provision a licensed account, go to the Ole Miss Zoom Video Conferencing page and sign in with your WebID and password.
For assistance with Zoom-related issues, contact: zoom@olemiss.edu
Helpful Zoom links:
Online Course Enrichment
As part of the University of Mississippi’s membership with NC-SARA State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement, the University must adhere to the Council of Regional Accrediting Commissions (C-RAC) Interregional Guidelines for the Evaluation of Distance Education, which includes online course review. In order to remain compliant and maintain membership with NC-SARA, the University has implemented the Online Course Enrichment review program.
All online courses at the University of Mississippi will need to participate in the Online Course Enrichment review program. This review program touches on basic online course design, collaboration and engagement, course technology, ADA and copyright compliance, and learner support. Instructors of will work with an Instructional Designer in Academic Outreach on needed course revisions.
- As part of our ongoing compliance with SACSCOC accreditation standards, we engage in continuous improvement practices for all academic programs, including online courses.
- Part of our membership agreement in National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) is to conduct regular review of online courses.
- All online courses will benefit from a review of copyright compliance.
- All online courses will benefit from a review of accessibility compliance.
- Chairs and Deans will receive reports three times a year with updates on courses reviewed and courses revised.
- Instructors completing revisions for courses reviewed will have the opportunity to include the revision activity on their Activity Report.
For more information, or to volunteer a course for review, please contact Mary Lea McMillan, mlea@olemiss.edu, 662-915-7089.
Panopto and Blackboard
Panopto is an online video platform integrated into Blackboard. It provides a seamless way for faculty to add videos to courses and allow for student video submissions.
- For Panopto support, contact FTDC (blackboard@olemiss.edu).
- For tutorials on the Panopto features most frequently used by UM online instructors, view Academic Outreach’s Panopto Tutorials.
- Panopto Trainer Zoom Office Hour (Fridays @ 1:00-2:00pm Eastern)
- Panopto On-Demand Resources
Blackboard is the University of Mississippi’s learning management system. Academic Outreach provides an online course template and supports the use of Blackboard in online courses.
- For Blackboard support, contact FTDC (blackboard@olemiss.edu).
- For tutorials on the Blackboard features most frequently used by UM online instructors, view Academic Outreach’s Blackboard Tutorials.
- Blackboard On-Demand Resources