Tuition and Fees

2024-2025 Tuition

2025 Fall Tuition*

Part-time Fees Resident Non-resident
Undergraduate (per credit hour) $400.50 $1,185.00
Graduate (per credit hour) $534.00 $1,580.00
Undergraduate (3 credit hour) $1,201.50 $3,555.00
Graduate (3 credit hour) $1,602.00 $4,740.00
Full-time Fees Resident Non-resident
Undergraduate (12-19 hours) $4,806.00 $14,220.00
Graduate (9-13 hours) $4,806.00 $14,220.00
Capital Improvement Fee* $50.00 $50.00

*This fee will be assessed for improvements at the campus you attend and pro-rated for less than full-time enrollment.

Note: You may incur additional class fees based on the class in which you are registered for (i.e., art fees, etc.) For more information about this, please visit:

To check and accept your financial aid awards online, please visit: For more information, call the toll free, nationwide Student Financial Services Help-Line at 800-891-4596 or contact your financial aid advisor at your regional campus.

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Withdrawals and Refunds

Deadline dates for withdrawals are listed in the academic calendar. Refunds are computed based on the time of official notification of withdrawal according to the 2024 catalog. There are no refunds after the 10th class day. A full refund will be granted if the class is cancelled by the University.

FAILURE TO ATTEND CLASS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE WITHDRAWAL. Students are responsible for all schedule adjustments. Drop/add is accomplished via the web.

Financial Aid at UM-Grenada

UM-Grenada and The UM Office of Financial Aid administer a variety of financial assistance programs designed to help students and their families meet the costs of attending The University. The four basic types of student financial assistance are scholarships, grants, loans, and part-time employment.

Scholarships are gift programs that do not have to be repaid. They are typically awarded in recognition of significant achievement or academic talent. UM-Grenada offers numerous scholarships to help you finance your education. We urge you to apply for as many scholarships as you qualify for. Learn more about available scholarships

Grants are gift aid that do not have to be repaid. Grants usually require a demonstration of financial need. Learn more about available grants

Loans are funds that have to be repaid with interest. Learn more about grants and loans

Part-time employment, on The UM-Grenada campus, provides opportunities for students to earn money to apply toward their educational expenses.

Financial Aid for Undergraduate Transfer Students

  • Completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application is required for all forms of financial aid that you might apply for.
  • Be sure to include the University of Mississippi school code on your FAFSA: 002440.
  • Financial aid does not "transfer" from one institution to another. Each institution must evaluate students’ eligibility independently of other institutions.
  • Complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by the recommended date of February 15th. 
  • Send the data to us by using our school code (002440) on the FAFSA.
  • Submit your MTAG/MESG application to the state office by the deadline.  If you are transferring mid-year, be sure to contact the State Office of Financial Aid.
  • Complete your admission file.
  • Check with your current Financial Aid Office to make sure you have completed all requirements for a departing student.
  • Attend Transfer Student Orientation/ Official Registration at UM-Grenada. Dates and times will be mailed to you after you have completed your application for admission and had your transcripts sent from your previous colleges attended.
  • Read carefully any correspondence you receive from the Office of Financial Aid, the Office of Admissions, or other departments on campus.
  • Feel free to contact the UM-Grenada office if you have any questions about your financial aid. Office number is (662) 393-0744. Please call to schedule an appointment.

October through March:

December: Obtain a copy of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) from your guidance counselor or financial aid office. If you plan to complete this application online, you will not need to mail a paper copy. This application will allow you to participate in all federal funding programs for which you are eligible.

January 1: First date to complete the FAFSA or Renewal FAFSA. Do not sign or submit prior to this date. If you complete on the web, do not submit a paper application.

March 31: Students who plan to attend summer school should begin checking to see when the summer application will be available on the web. All students who desire financial aid of any type for summer school must complete a summer application. This is also the deadline for submitting William Winter Scholar Loan, Critical Needs scholarship,and Luckyday Education Scholarship applications for education majors.

July 1: Deadline for submission of UM-Grenada Campus Specific Academic Leadership scholarships.

September 15: Final deadline for MTAG/MESG applications with the State of Mississippi. Remember that continuing students must also file a renewal application each year.

For more information contact:

Michael Gary
Financial Aid Advisor
Phone: (662) 915-8201