
Dear Ole Miss Students,

Welcome to the Ole Miss family! On behalf of the faculty, staff, and administration at the University of Mississippi-Grenada, I am delighted to welcome you to our vibrant and supportive community.

We are thrilled that you have chosen to join us at Ole Miss-Grenada, where you will find a dynamic learning environment designed to help you achieve your academic and personal goals. Our campus offers a unique blend of academic programs, dedicated faculty, and a close-knit community, all aimed at providing you with an exceptional educational experience.

As you embark on this exciting journey, you will discover numerous opportunities to engage with your peers and develop the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in your chosen field. Whether you are pursuing undergraduate studies or advancing your career through graduate programs, our commitment to your success is unwavering.

Our campus is more than just a place to study; it is a place to grow, explore, and make lasting connections. I encourage you to take full advantage of the resources and support services available to you. From academic advising and tutoring to career services and student organizations, we are here to help you every step of the way.

At Ole Miss-Grenada, we believe that education is a transformative experience that extends beyond the classroom. We are dedicated to fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment where every student can thrive. Your unique perspectives and experiences will enrich our community and contribute to the diversity that makes Ole Miss such a special place.

Once again, welcome to the Ole Miss family! We are excited to see all that you will accomplish and look forward to celebrating your successes with you.

Jessica Coker-Hughes,
UM-Grenada Associate Director of Admissions.

Ole Miss-Grenada
Located on the campus of Holmes Community College Grenada Center
1060 Avent Drive, Grenada, Mississippi 38901

Phone: (662) 227-2348, Toll-free: 1-866-230-8239
Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. | Fri. 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

UM-Grenada StaffUM-Grenada Faculty

Oxford Campus
The University of Mississippi-Grenada is operated by the University of Mississippi Division of Outreach.

Division of Outreach-Oxford StaffOxford Campus Resources


The Office of the Registrar supervises registration, official academic records during a student’s enrollment at Ole Miss, notification concerning student progress in courses, preparation of transcripts to be sent at the written request of the individual student, schedules for examinations, and graduation.

The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Buckley Amendment) is a federal law that governs access to students’ academic records. The law guarantees students access to their educational records, including the right to inspect and review educational records, the right to obtain copies of the records (a copying fee may be charged), and the right to challenge or supplement information on file in order to prevent flawed interpretation. Certain records (for example, medical records) are not deemed to be educational records and are therefore not accessible to students.

Additionally, the Buckley Amendment prohibits the disclosure of “personally identifiable information” to third parties without the prior written consent of the student. Exceptions may be made only for University officials and others with legitimate educational interests. The University may disclose “directory information” unless the student notifies the University to withhold it.

Directory information is defined as a student’s name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, date and place of birth, major field of study, student activities, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and the last educational agency or institution attended.

The Office of the Registrar maintains addresses and other information for contacting each student. It is the student’s responsibility to update address information immediately. Address changes are made through the student myOleMiss portal.

Academic advising is available for all University of Mississippi-Grenada students. Students may schedule their advising appointments online.

Advisors will be available throughout the semester. Undergraduate and graduate students must have their advisors’ approval for course registration. Additional contact with
University academic advisors is available through e-mail, by phone, or by appointment.

Registration for all courses through the University of Mississippi is accomplished via the Ole Miss website. You must be admitted to the University of Mississippi, meet with your academic advisor, and have any holds removed before you may register for courses.

Students register for classes and make schedule adjustments using their Web ID and password. Early registration for classes is encouraged. The University reserves the right to limit enrollment, to cancel any class, to reschedule or postpone any class, or to limit registration by degree level.

The advisor hold is reset every semester. Students must meet with their advisors each semester to have the advising hold lifted before registering for courses.

myOleMiss is an online system that allows students, faculty, and staff to access information and applications via the Web with a single login across multiple systems. Students must log in to myOleMiss at in order to book (register for) classes, view their grades online, view financial aid information, view any holds, and many more activities.

You must login to myOleMiss with your WebID in order to register for classes. When you are admitted, you should receive a text message and/or e-mail giving you your WebID and initial password. Go to the link provided to reset your password. If you did not receive the e-mail or text message, contact the UM-Grenada office at (662) 227-2348.

You may also contact the IT Helpdesk at or (662) 915-5222 for additional assistance.

The schedule of classes is available online and in print in the UM-Grenada office about six weeks before the end of a semester. After your academic advisor approves your schedule, the advisor will remove the advising hold from your account. This will allow you to register for classes. The time when a student may begin registration varies for different categories of students. Priorities for various groups are listed in each semester’s course schedule.

You may check your registration window each semester on the myOleMiss site under the “Current Students” tab. You accept the responsibility for maintaining acceptable grades and for the payment of fees at the time you pre-register.

Step 1
Develop a schedule with your advisor. You must meet with your academic advisor to receive important instructions prior to accessing the registration system.

Step 2 
Go to and sign in using your Ole Miss WebID. Find detailed instructions on how to register.

Step 3
When you have completed registration, be sure to close your browser so no one else may access your schedule.

During the drop-add process, students should be certain that they keep enough hours to classify as full-time students (12-hour minimum for undergraduates).

Students may add courses by using their myOleMiss portal through the fifth day in which classes meet during a regular semester. After the fifth day, students must have the approval of the instructor in the course. After the 10th day of classes (the last day to register), courses may be added only under extraordinary circumstances approved by the Dean of the school or college in which the student is enrolled, and a small fee will be assessed per added course. In no case may a student add a class after the last regular class day in any semester.

A student may drop any course by using their myOleMiss portal until the course withdrawal deadline, which is on the 30th day in which classes meet during a regular semester. However, after the 10th day of classes a small fee will be assessed per dropped course. No indication of enrollment in a course properly dropped will be shown on any University record. Check the academic calendar.

After the course withdrawal deadline, a student may drop a course only in cases of extreme and unavoidable emergency as determined by his or her academic dean. Unacceptable reasons for late withdrawal include dissatisfaction over an expected grade or a change in a student’s degree program or major. In no case may a class be dropped after the last regular class day in any semester, session, or term. Courses dropped after the course withdrawal deadline will still appear on the student’s official transcript. The W mark will be recorded if the student is passing the course at the time of withdrawal; the F grade will be recorded if the student is failing.

A student who wishes to withdraw from the University during the course of a semester or Summer term may do so:

  • Online at; select “Registration;” select “drop to 0 hours”
  • In writing via fax, mail, or e-mail (
  • In person at the Office of the Registrar on campus

Appropriate University offices (Student Housing, Financial Aid, Bursar, ID Center, Library, and the student’s Academic Dean) will be notified of the withdrawal by e-mail.

Full refunds of tuition and fees (minus a processing fee) are given for withdrawals during the first 10 days of classes of a regular semester; no refunds are given after the 10th day of classes.

Students who withdraw must apply for readmission if not enrolling for the subsequent term.

In case of an unofficial withdrawal, the school will determine the appropriate date of withdrawal to be that of the midpoint of the term, unless the student can document a different date. All students should be aware that withdrawing (either officially or unofficially) can adversely affect scholarships and grants (Academic Excellence, MTAG, etc.) for the next term of attendance. The Office of Financial Aid can provide guidance in those cases. Refund, repayment and withdrawal policies are subject to change, without notice, in order to comply with administrative and regulatory requirements.

Any student who has enrolled at an institution under the governance of the Board of
Trustees, who is a member of the Mississippi National Guard, or one or more units of the Mississippi State Guard, or who is a member of any of the reserve components of the armed forces of the United States, and who has been placed in active duty status by orders of the President of the United States, or who has been drafted into any component of the armed forces of the United States, may be allowed to withdraw as a student of the institution, with a full refund of tuition, out-of-state fees (if applicable), student fees and any special fees, with room and board fees prorated with the approval of the Institutional Executive Officer.

Any student who withdraws from an institution under this policy will not receive any grades. The student record will show evidence of the withdrawal with documentation on file.

A student required to withdraw from the University for involuntary military service may be given full credit for course work in progress provided at least four-fifths of the course requirements have been completed. The student’s Academic Dean will decide if the four-fifths requirement is met, and the student’s instructors will decide whether or not final examinations will be required.

During a summer term, the last day for full refunds on complete withdrawals is the last day to register or add courses, and the course withdrawal deadline is the 10th day of classes.


A transcript is an exact copy of your permanent academic record at the time it is issued. It can be either official or unofficial.

An official transcript carries the date of issue and the seal of the University. Normally, an official transcript is not given to a student but is sent directly to another college or a prospective employer. If a student must have an official transcript, the transcript is stamped “Issued to Student.”

Request an official transcript at Telephone requests are not honored. No official transcript may be issued to or for a student who is indebted to the University until such indebtedness has been paid or satisfactorily adjusted

Transcripts covering a student’s previous secondary and college education which have been submitted to the University as a requirement for admission become a part of the Registrar’s official file. The University does not reissue or certify copies of transcripts from other
institutions. Transcripts must be ordered directly from the institution(s) at which the work
was undertaken.

Grade-point average (GPA) is computed by dividing the number of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D, F-graded hours attempted at UM into the total number of grade points earned at the University. For the purpose of certain prerequisites and degree requirements, a B average and C average are defined as a GPA of 3.00 and 2.00, respectively, unless a more specific requirement is indicated.

Grade Reporting 
Reports of final grades are available through the online system.

Grade Points Per Credit Hour 
A = 4.0
A- = 3.7
B+ = 3.3
B = 3.0
B- = 2.7
C+ = 2.3
C = 2.0
C- = 1.7
D = 1.0
F = 0

Honor Roll
Full-time students who have earned a grade point average of 3.75 or higher on academic work are listed on the Chancellor’s Honor Roll. Students earning a grade-point average of 3.50 to 3.74 are listed on the Dean’s Honor Roll in the appropriate school or college.

Honors Day 
The entire University community recognizes students for their outstanding academic achievements on Honors Day.

Taylor Medal 
The University’s highest individual academic award for scholarship is the Taylor Medal. It is awarded each year on Honors Day to students in pre-designated areas. These medalists are nominated by faculty members in their chosen area.

Diploma Honors
Students are recognized for academic achievement by the faculty and administration upon graduation with the bachelor’s degree. Cum laude requires an overall grade-point average above a 3.5 to 3.74; magna cum laude requires a 3.75 to below a 3.9; summa cum laude requires a 3.9 or above.

It is the responsibility of the instructor to notify classes at the outset of each course of the class attendance requirements. It is the responsibility of the students to comply with the class attendance policy. A student who is absent from the first class meeting may be dropped from that class by the Dean of the school or college with responsibility for the course. A student who incurs excessive absences in a given course may receive a grade of F for the course and may be dismissed from the class upon recommendation of the instructor and approval of the student’s Academic Dean.

When it appears to an instructor that a student has discontinued a class without officially dropping the course, the instructor will report this fact to the student’s Academic Dean. The University reserves the right to dismiss any student who has been excessively absent from multiple courses.

It is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from a course; the student should consult his/her advisor before withdrawal.

An undergraduate student may improve his or her overall GPA by invoking forgiveness or exclusion on a maximum of four courses (not to exceed 14 credit hours) in which the student received a grade of C-, D or F and requesting that the original grade be excluded from the GPA calculation. If the course has been repeated, the repeat must be in the same course and must be taken at The University of Mississippi in fall 1992 or later. Under the forgiveness policy, a maximum of two courses (not to exceed 7 hours) in which the student received a grade of C-, D or F may be excluded from the student’s GPA calculation without repeating the course.

The student must file a Petition to Invoke Grade Forgiveness Policy with the Registrar’s Office, stating which courses are to be forgiven or excluded. Once the student has declared one course, a different course cannot be substituted at a later date. The forgiveness policy cannot be used to remove grades given for reasons of academic discipline. Forgiveness of a course grade will not change notations concerning academic standing or honors in the student’s official record for the semester containing the forgiven course.

Although original grades will remain on the student’s permanent record, the forgiven or excluded grades will not be used to determine credit towards a degree and GPA. The original course will be recorded with both the grade earned and the symbol R to denote that it has been removed from the student’s GPA calculation either because it was repeated or excluded.

The recalculated GPA will be used for determining graduation honors.

The forgiveness policy does not apply to students enrolled in the professional program in the School of Pharmacy for grades received in required professional courses as designated in the curricula for the B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Doctor of Pharmacy degree.

A student may be prohibited from registering for classes, adding or dropping classes, or receiving transcripts or diploma if that student has a “Hold” with the University. Holds may be placed on a student’s account for various reasons, including money owed to the University, library fines, outstanding parking tickets, judicial sanctions, or other monies owed for services rendered or items received. Students may check to see if they have holds by going to their myOleMiss account and checking their holds.

Standards of Honesty
The University is conducted on a basis of common honesty. Dishonesty, cheating or plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the University are regarded as particularly serious offenses. Disruptive behavior in an academic situation or purposely harming academic facilities is also grounds for academic discipline.

Disciplinary Procedures
The University of Mississippi Academic Discipline Policy is available on the UM website by searching “Academic Discipline Policy” located online at

Appeal Process for Disciplinary Procedures
Disciplinary procedures for academic issues follow the policies outlined in the University’s “Academic Discipline Policy” at

Should a student wish to appeal a disciplinary action taken at their regional campus, the following is the proper procedure:

  1. Hearing by an impartial staff member. At this point the objections are heard, and an attempt at resolving the issue made (i.e. the student and staff member come to an understanding and the student accepts the discipline).
  2. If Step One is not acceptable to the student, a Disciplinary Appeals Committee at the campus will hear the matter. The committee is composed of the staff member who heard the original issue and at least two others including a permanent appointee to the Appeals Committee. The hearing could result in a resolution for the student.
  3. If Step Two is not acceptable to the student, then the student can appeal the matter to the Executive Director at the campus. If the student does not accept the decision of the Executive Director, the matter is referred to the appropriate officer(s) on the Oxford campus.
  4. If at any point in the process individuals believe that the student is a danger to him/ herself or others, the matter will be referred to the Student Intervention Team on the Oxford Campus. 


Distance Learning
Distance learning technology links our campus with the Oxford, Desoto, Tupelo, and Booneville campuses. Zoom provides “live” instruction to all campuses. Courses taught via distance learning are marked with an asterisk on the course schedule. Distance learning classes typically follow the Oxford campus schedule.

Room Assignments
Room assignments will be emailed to students prior to the first day of class of each term.

Student printing can be done in the HCC Library and UMG-Student Services Center. There is a 10 cent charge per page for printing in the Student Services Center which is billed to the students Bursar Account. Printing at the HCC Library is free for Grenada Students and students must have their UM Student ID cards in order to use the HCC Library.

Students or visitors are not to bring children to class or leave them unattended at any time.

Website and Communication
The University of Mississippi-Grenada’s website features 2 + 2 curriculum guides, financial aid information, course schedules, and more. UMG students will receive updated information on academic advising, financial aid, campus events, and other important dates via email.
UM-Grenada is on Facebook. Follow us for campus news, postings, and more.

Student Identification Cards
The University of Mississippi requires all students to have an official University student ID. ALL UM-Grenada and HCC-Grenada students are required to have their student ID at all times while on campus.

To obtain a UM Student ID, please complete the UM ID Card Application online at: Student ID photos will be made during Orientations and official registrations.

A student ID will also allow you to check out books from the UM Library and use the Library’s online services. This is also your identification as a UM student for other student services, such as taking a proctored exam and printing at the HCC Library.

Online & iStudy Exam Proctoring 
Testing availability for online and iStudy exams varies each semester at the UMG Campus. Students taking online courses must make their test appointments via “RegisterBlast.” Please make your appointment at least 48 hours in advance of the exam. Appointment times are limited, particularly for midterm and finals.

For testing of students with Disability Services clearance, see instructions under Student Disability Services.

Students are to register their vehicles for parking decals each year. Contact the HCC Campus Police at 662-227-2334 for details. You will need your driver’s license, license plate number, and vehicle information to complete the registration. The parking decals are FREE.

Specific parking spaces are reserved for official vehicles, faculty and staff, and for persons with disabilities. Please park in student parking only. Vehicles parked at the Grenada Center campus or Oxford campus that do not have a parking decal or temporary permit will be ticketed.

Parking Fines
Parking follows Holmes Community College procedures and penalties. Fines must be paid in full in the HCC Business office. Unpaid fines will result in a hold being placed on your student account, which may prohibit you from registering for classes, adding or dropping classes, or receiving transcripts or your diploma. A copy of your receipt showing that your fines are paid in full must be submitted to the UM-Grenada main office for holds to be lifted.

Instructors are responsible for informing classes of cancellations (usually by e-mail and RebAlert messages).

Closing of the Grenada Center due to weather will be announced by local radio and/or television stations, on Facebook, and on our website.

Closure of UM-Grenada due to weather corresponds to the closure of Holmes Community College AND the University of Mississippi’s main campus in Oxford. To inquire about closings of the Oxford campus due to weather conditions, call (662) 915-1040 or visit

UMG follows the emergency and safety protocols set forth by the HCC campus. Emergency and safety posters are posted in offices and all classrooms on the HCC –Grenada campus.

REBALERT Text Message Notifications
Students who have provided a valid cell phone number will receive emergency text message notifications from the University of Mississippi.

Verify, change, or sign up for these notifications by logging in to myOleMiss with your WebID. Go to myOleMiss, and click on Student > My Profile > Contact Information Follow the instructions to edit your information if needed.

Student Life & Success

UM Barnes and Noble Bookstore Contact
(662) 915-7137
Store Manager:
Assistant Store Manager:

Order Online
You can order your course required textbooks by either (1) going to “Retrieve Materials” at myOleMiss, or (2) directly accessing the Ole Miss Bookstore Regional Campus website.

Once on our site, click "Search Now" in the "Course Materials Concierge" box.

  1. There are four categories that must be filtered through to select your exact course: Term (Ex: Spring 22); Department (Ex: BUS); Course # (Ex: 322); Section (Ex: Sec 1 TUPO). You can filter multiple courses at once.
  2. Once you have filtered your course(s), select “Retrieve Materials” at the bottom right. All of your required materials will then appear with various options for you to choose from. Select books will give you the option to choose between: New or Used; Print or Digital; Purchase or Rental.
  3. After making your selections, click “ADD TO CART” for each item. Select between Free In-Store Pick-Up or Ship To Address. If you wish to pick up at your regional campus, select "In-Store Pick-Up." This option to select shipping is only displayed while viewing your cart.
  4. Before checking out, you must either log in, create an account, or proceed as a guest. Log in with your myOleMiss credentials for updates and easier access to your orders. Your preferred contact information will be used to help identify your order. It is important to use an email address that you check frequently, such as your Ole Miss email.
  5. Next, you will be asked to select the campus that you attend. If you wish to pick your books up at a regional campus, you must select In-Store Pick-Up. Your order will be delivered to your selected campus.

There are two payment options: Credit/Debit or Financial Aid. In order to use Financial Aid or charge your Bursar account, select “FINANCIAL AID.” Choose “External Provider” and input your Student ID number. Review your information, then select “PLACE ORDER” at the bottom right to complete your order.

If your financial aid has already been disbursed when your books are charged, you are still responsible for these costs.

If you decide to rent your textbooks, the site will prompt for credit card information. You will not be charged. This information is required in case of loss or damage upon return of your books.

Return Policy
You will find the Return Policy for textbooks on the back of your receipt. Please adhere to these policies that include:

  • You must present your receipt.
  • You must return books in original condition that they were purchased (shrink-wrapped, etc.)
  • No returns on reference materials or study aids.
  • After the return date, you can sell your textbooks back to the bookstore at buy-back prices (not the full purchase price).
  • During Summer and Intersession terms the refund policy is only available during the first two days of class.

It takes a few days for your Bursar account to reflect changes such as removal of charges for returned books.

The UM Career Center’s services and programs are designed to facilitate students transition from academia to a full-time career. UM-Grenada routinely holds special Career Prep events, such as resume writing workshops and mock interviews. For more information, visit

For more information, please contact Barry Davis, UM-Grenada Distance Learning Technician, at or (662) 227-2388.

As an Ole Miss student, you will use computers and networks throughout your tenure as a University of Mississippi student to download information from course websites, turn in homework via e-mail, communicate with instructors and fellow students, and access library databases and other online resources. The UM IT (Information Technology) department provides the following to help you get connected:

  • A unique WebID that acts as a single sign-on for all UM Web applications
    This is what you’ll use to access the University’s Online Services/myOleMiss, and your Ole Miss e-mail address. By signing in with your WebID on these sites you will be able to register for classes, check grades, and view your student information. It is also how you will log on to Blackboard, a Web-based course-management system used by many UM instructors.
  • An Ole Miss e-mail account
    This is automatically assigned. E-mail is the primary way the University faculty and staff contact students, so it is important to check it daily at
  • Easy network access
    The Grenada Campus building is equipped with wireless internet access. Contact the Distance Learning Technician to find out more.
  • Computer Room
    UM-Grenada is equipped with computers available for student use in the UM-Grenada Student Services Center which includes six computers and a printing station. This room is only for UM students and student IDs will be checked periodically. Additional computers and a printing station are available in the HCC library.
  • Printing
    Printing costs 10-cents per page. Instructions on how to login with your WebID and print are posted. Printing fees are billed to your Bursar account monthly, listed as “Grenada Printing Charges.”
  • Vendor Discounts
    Several hardware and software vendors have agreements with the University to offer select products at discounted prices for students. 
  • Ole Miss Online Storage – Box and Google Drive
    Use your WebID to log into Box from the Ole Miss home page or Google Drive is linked through your Ole Miss e-mail account. This can be accessed at

For more information, please contact LaTonya Pittman, UM-Grenada Coordinator of Student Services at or (662) 227-2391.

Students on the UM-Grenada campus have proven to be a vital part of academic life. On-campus clubs and organizations can enhance personal and professional skills that are invaluable to the well-rounded college student. Faculty and staff are helping to offer these experiences to our student body by facilitating hands-on training and connections in the community that will aid students as they graduate and move into careers in their chosen professions.

These groups of UM-Grenada students coordinate local outreach events, and learn to apply classroom knowledge to real-world situations. Within each of these organizations, students can be seen taking the initiative to create proactive involvement within the community.

UM-Grenada Student Ambassadors
Advisors: Jessica Coker-Hughes,, LaTonya Pittman,

Student ambassadors are chosen based on involvement, grades, character, and passion for the University. As representatives for UM-Grenada, they participate in activities on campus and recruiting events around the community. They welcome guests and prospective students to our campus during orientation, student appreciation day, and the annual graduation celebration.
Ambassadors also write letters and postcards to potential students. If you are interested in applying for an ambassador position, please complete an application. There is a $250 per semester scholarship available for UM-Grenada student ambassadors for full participation.

Kappa Delta Pi (KDP)
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Karen Davidson Smith, 

Kappa Delta Pi is an international honor society that recognizes outstanding students in education. It works to foster support and growth for the education profession around the world. Each spring a new group of UM-Grenada education majors are invited for induction into this organization.

TOT (Teachers of Tomorrow)
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Karen Davidson Smith,

TOT is a professional organization that supports tomorrow’s teachers. Student members enjoy many of the same benefits and membership advantages as the active professional member in the classroom.
The goal of UM-Grenada’s TOT chapter is to serve as a support group for the students involved in the organization. TOT works on several community service projects including Read Across America.

Ole Miss Library Services

Information and Assistance

General Questions:
Melissa Dennis, Head of Research & Instruction Services and Associate Professor, (662) 915-5861

Borrowing/Returning books or shuttle service questions:
Interlibrary Loan (662) 915-5867

J.D. Williams Library on the main Campus in Oxford
University of Mississippi students currently enrolled at the UM-Grenada campus enjoy the same borrowing privileges and access to electronic resources as students currently enrolled at the main campus in Oxford. Search for books, e-books, movies, journal articles, music scores, government documents, and more! You have 24/7 access to our online databases filled with millions of articles and digital content through

Special Services Provided
UM Librarians can help you find any book or article in the world. For items we do not have full access to, you can submit an Interlibrary Loan request for that item. Set up your ILL account at to make requests. UM shuttle services deliver books to the UM-Booneville office on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Articles are accessible electronically through your ILL account within 48 hours.

Additional Services for UM Students

  • Ask-A-Librarian Chat: Mon-Thurs 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Fri 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
  • Research guides and online tutorials
  • Unique digital collections
  • Subject librarians for every Ole Miss major

HCC Library at the Grenada Center
Currently enrolled University of Mississippi students may check out books from the HCC Library with a valid photo ID. The UM-Grenada campus provides a verified list of currently enrolled students to the HCC librarian.

Ole Miss Counseling Center 

Katie Harrison, Asst. Director/Director of Telehealth
(662) 915-3784,

The University Counseling Center is a free, confidential, completely accessible resource for all students, faculty, and staff of the University of Mississippi. We offer a professional team of licensed staff members providing a host of services for your mental health and wellbeing including individual therapy, couples therapy, group therapy, crisis services, EAP services, and consultations. Counseling is provided through telemental health services for our regional campus students.

If an in-person appointment is preferred, we offer face-to-face services on our Oxford campus at the University Counseling Center. Licensed counselors are available 24 hours a day for anyone in crisis. After hours, please call 662-915-3784 to speak to a licensed counselor for immediate assistance.

It’s easy to set up an appointment by calling our center at 662-915-3784. We are here for you!

Kimberly DeVries, Director (662) 915-7735 or

The University of Mississippi’s EORC office manages compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Title IX, and Equal Opportunity. These policies all relate to our non-discrimination statement: The University of Mississippi does not discriminate against any student based upon race, ethnicity, color, gender, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, national origin, citizenship, age, disability, protected veteran status, genetic information or any other legally prohibited form of discrimination. The University is committed to fostering a welcoming and safe environment for students.

The University also has policies which prohibit sexual harassment and provide guidelines and complaint procedures for sexual harassment complaints, including sexual assault and other types of sexual violence. The Consensual Relationships Policy covers relationships between university employees and students when the employee has or in the future may reasonably be expected to have academic responsibility or authority for the student. The Title IX Policy prohibits discrimination based on sex in educational programs and activities and applies to faculty, staff, and students. The ADA policy provides information about the University’s obligations under the ADA.

Any student who feels that they have been discriminated against or sexually harassed is encouraged to contact the EORC office at 662-915-7735 or University policy prohibits retaliation against any party or witness involved in an investigation. An EORC representative can meet with you, answer questions, and discuss options for addressing your concern. You can visit for resources and information about reporting sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence or other forms of gender/sex discrimination.

For more information about the University’s policies on affirmative action, sexual harassment and consensual relationships see the University’s policy directory located at

View Ole Miss Writing Center hours and make an appointment online

Writing Center
Oxford Writing Center
Lamar Hall, 3rd Floor, Ste. C

The Writing Center is a free service provided by the University of Mississippi to help you become a stronger writer and critical thinker. In the writing center, you will find a community of writing consultants, students like you, who are specially trained to work with you on any writing project at any stage of the writing process. Our goal is to help you cultivate strategies for stronger writing.

Students are able to schedule face-to-face (Oxford Campus) and online appointments.

Stacey Reycraft, Director, (662) 915-7128 or

The University of Mississippi is committed to the creation of inclusive learning environments for all students and toward that end is happy to assist students with disabilities with academic, environmental and social barriers they may encounter in the classroom and on campus.

Student Disability Services (SDS) is the University department tasked with facilitating this barrier removal for students with apparent and non-apparent disabilities.

It is the responsibility of students with disabilities to seek available assistance from SDS. An intake application and interview must be completed by the student and external documentation supporting any requests for assistance must be submitted. Students are encouraged to begin this process as soon as possible after admission to the University as the approval process can be time consuming.

To request accommodations, please visit the SDS website at and complete an application using the Rebel Access system. Please contact SDS at the telephone number and e-mail above for assistance.

Additional information can also be found on the SDS website

UM-Grenada students who are a semester away from graduation should discuss applying for graduation with their academic advisors. Although degrees are awarded throughout the year, the official commencement ceremonies for University of Mississippi graduates are held in May in Oxford.

A graduation celebration to honor student achievements is held for graduates each spring at the Grenada Center. Family and friends of graduates are invited to share in recognizing students at their home campus.

Students order their cap and gowns at These are worn at the official commencement exercises in Oxford only and are returned to the supplier there. Diplomas are mailed to students after final grades have been posted and all fees and exit paperwork has been completed. Yearbook photos are taken at the UM-Grenada Campus in the fall.

Financial Aid

Michael Gary, UM-DeSoto Financial Aid Advisor,
(662) 915-8210 or

The UM-Grenada Financial Aid Advisor visits the campus once a week (usually on Thursdays) to speak with students regarding their financial aid. The financial aid advisor is also available by phone and email daily.

Advisors are also available by calling the Ole Miss Financial Services Help Line at 800-891-4596, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Completion of the FAFSA is required for all forms of federal financial aid for which you might qualify. It is also used for awarding need-based state and institutional aid. Be sure to include the University of Mississippi school code on your FAFSA: 002440.

Visit and click on “Start new Form” to log in with FSA ID to complete the 2024-2025 FAFSA, or select “Create an Account” if no credentials currently exist.

You should also complete application for State of Mississippi aid.

As you transfer to UM-Grenada, remember that:
Financial aid does not “transfer” from one institution to another. Students should apply for aid at each college/university. If you have attended another school during this aid year, be sure to go back into your FAFSA and add our school code (002440).

All correspondence from the Office of Financial Aid is sent via e-mail to your account. Be sure to check your UM e-mail account daily.

Per federal requirements, the Office of Financial Aid combines terms for purposes of determining enrollment status and awarding aid:

  • Fall Term: Fall Semester, First Fall, Second Fall
  • Spring Term: Winter Intersession, Spring Semester, First Spring, and Second Spring
  • Summer term: May Intersession, First Summer Session, Second Summer Session, Full Summer Session, and August Intersession

Financial aid may or may not be available for attending summer sessions. Speak to a Financial Aid Advisor if you are planning to attend in the summer. General summer financial aid information can be found here:

  • Scholarships are gift aid programs that do not have to be repaid. They are typically awarded in recognition of significant achievement or academic merit UM-Grenada offers numerous scholarships to help you finance your education. We urge you to apply for all scholarships for which you might qualify.
  • Grants are gift aid that USUALLY do not have to be repaid. Grants usually require a demonstration of financial need as determined by a processed Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
  • Loans are borrowed funds that have to be repaid with interest.
  • Part-time employment on the UM-Regional Center campus provides opportunities for students to earn money to apply toward their educational expenses.

When do I pay tuition and fees?
For the Fall Semester, a bill will be e-mailed to your UM email address shortly after July 31. You should plan accordingly so that your payment will be received before the due date of August 15.

If I receive financial aid that will exceed my tuition and fees, how do I receive excess financial aid?
You can choose to have excess financial aid refunded by direct deposit to your bank account (the preferred way) or by a check mailed to your billing address. The University will begin to process direct deposits five days before classes start. After this initial disbursement, direct deposits will be processed each workday; however, checks will only be produced once a week. Students can access the direct deposit information at

What are the advantages of direct deposit vs. having a check mailed to a local address?
Direct deposits are electronically transferred directly to your bank account.

  • Direct deposits provide quicker access to your funds.
  • Mailing address problems are eliminated with direct deposits.
  • No standing in line at the bank.
  • Protection against theft or time delays caused by lost checks, which take several weeks to replace.
  • No worries if you are out of town or don’t have time to pick up the mail.

If I register for courses, but my plans change and I won’t be attending the University of Mississippi, what should I do?
Any student who decides not to attend the University should contact the Registrar’s office as soon as possible and officially withdraw from the University. Students who officially withdraw:

  • Before the first day of classes avoid all financial and grade obligations. Any financial aid that has been credited must be returned in full.
  • After classes begin, see the chart below to determine the last date to withdraw and have your tuition and fee charges reversed or adjusted for the term. For the exact date, refer to the Academic Calendar
Fall Semester Within the first 10 days of class
First Fall Within the first 3 days of class
Second Fall Within the first 3 days of class
Winter session Within the first 2 days of class
Spring Semester Within the first 10 days of class
First Spring Within the first 3 days of class
Second Spring Within the first 3 days of class
  • During the refund period avoid most of their financial obligation (there is a maximum processing fee of $100 per term) and all of their grade liability. Any institutional aid that has been credited must be returned in full. (For federal aid, please refer to the question about attendance verification.)
  • After the refund period has ended for the term, but on or before the course withdrawal date deadline, will not receive a refund, nor will they receive failing grades. Students who received aid may have to return a prorated portion of their disbursements.
  • After the course withdrawal date deadline of the term will not receive a refund and will receive grades (‘W’-Withdrawn or ‘F’-Failure) in each course. Students who received aid may have to return a prorated portion of their disbursement(s).

I am confused because the University has three withdrawal dates. Can you explain the difference?
It is true that the University has three withdrawal dates. There is a date to withdraw to receive a refund of tuition and fees, there is a date to withdraw to avoid receiving grades, and there is a date to withdraw that affects whether or not you will be required to repay any federal financial aid.

For Refund: The last date to withdraw and receive a refund is within the first few days of the semester. After this date, there are no refunds.

To Avoid Receiving Grades: The last date to withdraw and avoid receiving a failing grade on your transcript is called the course withdrawal deadline date. If withdrawing after this date, you will receive grades (‘W’-Withdrawn or ‘F’-Failure) in each course. Refer to the academic calendar at for exact refund and course withdrawal deadline dates.

For Federal Financial Aid Recipients: If you withdraw before the 60 percent point of your enrollment period, you must repay a prorated portion of the federal financial aid for that term. See the chart below for the 60 percent point based on your enrollment:

Fall Semester October 25, 2024
First Fall September 23, 2024
Second Fall November 15, 2024
First Fall/Second Fall October 30, 2024
Spring Semester March 30, 2025
First Spring February 17, 2025
Second Spring April 19, 2025
First Spring/Second Spring March 31, 2025
Winter session January 13, 2025
Winter session/Spring Semester March 24, 2025
Winter session/First Spring February 11, 2025
Winter session/Second Spring April 13, 2025

What is attendance verification?
Per federal regulations, you establish eligibility for aid only if you actually “SHOW UP” for your classes. Therefore, your presence in a class will be documented by the instructor, typically through taking roll or by use of attendance ID scanners. This will be done at one of the class meetings within the first two weeks of class for a regular Fall/Spring semester. Shorter time frames apply for mini-terms like First Fall, Second Fall, Winter Intersession, First Spring, Second Spring, and Summer.

All courses must have verified attendance. Note that this policy also applies to iStudy, online classes, thesis/dissertation hours, labs, Study Abroad, and internships – although the methods of “attendance collection” are modified.

Processing of federal aid is affected by non-attendance in the following ways:

  1. Once the semester starts, disbursement will be held until the University confirms that you have attended at least one class. (For summer terms, no federal aid will be released until an instructor has documented attendance in at least one class).
  2. For each of the combined terms (Fall, Spring, and Summer), Financial Aid will “lock in” your enrollment for ALL sessions following the Mandatory Drop Date (MDD) of the very last session in which you enroll. Your attendance must have been verified in these classes. These are the credit hours that will be used to determine your final aid eligibility for the term.

Special rules apply for Federal Pell Grant, SEOG, and TEACH grants because the award amounts are based on your enrollment level. (For the Federal Pell Grant, credit hour enrollment per term is used). Any previously disbursed aid may have to be adjusted, which may mean reduced aid amounts and/or paybacks.

Disbursed Federal Direct Student Loans and Federal Direct Parent Loans (Parent PLUS Loans) are subject to being reduced or paid back if the student does not have confirmed attendance on record for at least one class in the awarded terms (OR if the Cost of Attendance is reduced during this adjustment).

Does the University automatically drop schedules because of non-payment of fees?
No, but please know that when you register for classes, you fill that seat in the course. The University makes the assumption that you are going to attend that class unless you officially withdraw from it. You assume financial responsibility to pay for your courses AND assume responsibility to attend class and successfully complete the course of study as presented by the instructor. Service fees do accrue on unpaid balances that are past their due date.

I have an “Accounts Receivable” or “Bursar Hold” and cannot participate in priority registration. How can I get it released?
These holds usually mean that your account is not current. In other words, you have University charges that are 30 days past due or there is another issue with your account in the Bursar’s office. To have the hold removed, you will have to pay all past due charges or clear the outstanding issue.

How do I apply for grants, loans, and the Federal Work-Study program?
You must complete a FAFSA by June 30, 2025. You may submit it electronically at The FAFSA must be completed annually. There is also a Federal Direct Parent Loan (Parent PLUS) that requires a separate application on the same website,

What is verification?
Verification, a federally mandated process, requires a school to check the accuracy of the student’s (and parent’s, if applicable) financial and household information as reported on the FAFSA. To help with this process, students can access a self-service portal called Student Forms. All new users will need to create an account in the system first – then documents and other information can be submitted online. Please see

Verification must be completed before any federal or need-based aid is awarded. In order to complete verification, students should log into their student forms account and follow the instructions for each assigned task. For more information on verification, visit

What is MTAG?
MTAG (Mississippi Tuition Assistance Grant) is a grant of $500 per year for freshmen and sophomores and $1,000 per year for juniors and seniors. Entering freshmen with a minimum 15 ACT (or equivalent SAT) qualify for MTAG. For transfer students, the high school GPA and test scores are no longer considered, but individuals must enter with a 2.5 college GPA. MTAG is prorated for those students who receive a Federal Pell Grant. One-year Mississippi residency and enrollment in at least 15 credit hours per term are required. Please note that undergraduates can only receive one state grant per term (MTAG, MESG, HELP, Nissan Scholarship, FAITH for current or foster youth, or Law Enforcement Officers & Firemen Scholarship) — whichever is larger.

The online application for MTAG (which is the same one for the other state grants) is available at The submission deadline is September 15 of each year. (Please note that MS HELP had an earlier deadline of March 31 and is now closed for 2024-25.)

Can I check my financial aid online?
Yes! All students must have a WebID to access financial aid awards and information. WebIDs and the assigned UM e-mail address will be the official means of business communication. You should have received your WebID and e-mail account shortly after you were admitted to the University. If not, please contact the University’s IT Help Desk at (662) 915-5222.

  • To check your status, visit the UM Financial Aid website and click on “Check award status in myOleMiss.”
  •  If you are a first-time user, go to “WebID Help/Reset Password” then “Add a Security Question” to receive your WebID. Also, if you are using the UM Web e-mail for the first time, you must change your temporary password.
  • You can review outstanding issues online and/or confirm our office has received a required document or action from you.
  • All financial aid awards must be accepted/declined/reduced electronically by accessing your award at

What is loan entrance counseling?
Entrance counseling is required by federal regulations for all first-time Federal Direct Loan borrowers at a school. The session gives an overview of the federal loan program, discusses interest rates, repayment requirements, and borrower rights and responsibilities. This counseling obligation is online at No loan funds can be disbursed until this is done.

What is the process for Federal Direct student loans?
A FAFSA is required for Federal Direct Loan consideration. Loans funds will then be automatically awarded up to a student’s eligibility level. Once a student accepts the Direct Loan online in myOleMiss, completes Loan Entrance Counseling, and electronically signs the Master Promissory Note (MPN) at, the University certifies the student’s loan.

The loan funds are posted to the student’s Bursar account at the beginning of the term (or, if processed later, within three to five business days).

What if I accept a Work-Study position?
You will be sent additional information regarding how to conduct your job search for your Work-Study position. Work-study recipients are paid bimonthly. Undergraduates can earn either $9.00 or $10.00 per hour, as determined by the hiring department.

What are the fees that I will be charged for 2024-2025?
View the estimated costs based on full-time enrollment for the 2024-25 academic year.

If you attend academic terms other than Fall and spring sessions, such as Summer terms, Wintersession, and Study Abroad, you will incur additional costs.

You may incur additional course fees based on the class in which you are registered (i.e., art fees, etc.) For more information, visit:

The estimated “Cost of Attendance” includes tuition/fees as well as allowances for books/ supplies, housing, meals, travel, and personal expenses. This amount is also used as a cap for financial aid packages. For more, visit

To check and accept your financial aid awards online, please visit: For more information, call the toll free, nationwide Student Financial Services Help-Line at 800-891-4596 or contact your financial aid advisor at UM-Grenada.

Federal Title IV student aid recipients must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress. In order to continue to be eligible to receive assistance, students must meet the following academic progress standards listed below:

The student must be passing at least 67% of the hours that he/she has attempted at the University of Mississippi.

The total number of hours attempted at the University of Mississippi and all other institutions (including attempted hours gained in pursuit of prior undergraduate degrees or attempted hours gained in prior declared majors) cannot equal or exceed 180 hours.

The student must achieve the minimum federal GPA of 2.00 in his/her course of study at the University of Mississippi. The federal GPA does NOT include transfer work. Also, grades removed from a student’s transcript and cumulative resident GPA calculation by Academic Restart, and forgiveness and exclusion grades, are still considered in GPA calculations for federal student aid eligibility purposes.

The student must be passing at least 67% of the hours that he/she has attempted at the University of Mississippi.

The student will not be eligible to receive aid once he/she has attempted 72 total hours in pursuit of a Master’s degree, 100 hours in pursuit of a Specialist degree, or a grand total of 160 hours in pursuit of all graduate degrees, including Doctorate.

The student must achieve and maintain the cumulative resident GPA of 3.00 in his/her course of study at the University of Mississippi.

Consequences of Not Meeting Requirements
Satisfactory Academic Progress is checked at the end of each spring semester. Students failing to meet the standard are placed on financial aid suspension beginning with the Summer terms and become ineligible to receive any federal student aid funds. Students may submit an appeal online citing any special or mitigating circumstance they believe should be considered. There is also an in-person appeal request should the student be denied their written appeal first.

Students denied aid for failure to meet these Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements may re-establish eligibility once they meet the requirements.

Scholarship and state grant programs have differing requirements for continuing eligibility. Contact the UM Office of Financial Aid at with specific questions and visit for more details about financial aid appeals.