Courses Tied to UM’s 60th Anniversary of Integration
Topics include minorities in health professions, politics of inequality
An adventurous, immersive academic program for Ole Miss students, led by Ole Miss faculty
The Ole Miss Study USA program is an academic travel program offering intensive short-term courses across locations in the United States. Each intersession, we offer a range of academic classes in different cities. You’ll gain real-world insight while learning in a unique setting alongside other Ole Miss students and faculty.
View CoursesCourses primarily take place during intersessions, typically lasting between 5 days to 2 weeks. Earn academic course credit as you immerse yourself in one unique course.
Directly apply learning to your location. Every class takes full advantage of its surroundings. You’ll get in the field, visit museums and historical sites, tour industry settings, and meet industry professionals.
Courses are designed to connect academics with in-field experiences. You’ll have engaging class discussions and have opportunities to apply learning to the field.
All courses are led by Ole Miss faculty and most meet on the Oxford campus before travel–so you can learn with confidence in a supportive academic environment.
I don't think any course could top my Study USA POL 391 course. The agenda was top-notch and gave me a life-changing experience.
I was able to meet more people in the public health field and was exposed to job opportunities I was unaware of.”
Fall priority deadline: September 26, 2025
We offer several need-based scholarship opportunities to make program fees more affordable for interested students, and over 30% of 2023 students received a scholarship.
2024 courses
2024 destinations
Avg. Scholarship Award
Years Established
Topics include minorities in health professions, politics of inequality
Fund makes experiential learning opportunities possible, can be applied to Study USA programs.