Dates and Costs

Below, we provide approximate dates and cost information for ARISE, Lott Leadership Institute for Rising 12th Graders, EdStart, UM Summer Language Institute, Rebel Research Scholars, and Summer College for High School Students (SCHS). For the most up-to-date details, please check the individual program pages.


Academic Year 2024-2025

Credit Program dates align with the University of Mississippi's academic calendar with few exceptions. Check each program’s page for exact dates.

  Classes Start Classes End Final Exams
Fall 2024 August 26 December 6 December 9-13
Spring 2025 January 21 May 2 May 5-9
First Summer 2025* May 27 June 20 June 23-24
Second Summer 2025* June 26 July 23 July 24-25

*Move-in is typically 1-2 days before classes; move-out is 4 hours after final exams.

Application Process Dates & Deadlines

The table below applies to all Credit Programs except Lott 12 and ARISE, which have a selection process and follow their own application deadlines.

  Fall Spring Summer
Applications Open Always open Always open December 15
Priority Application & Paperwork Deadline July 1 November 1 March 15
International Students: Application & Paperwork Due Not applicable Not applicable March 15
Application & Paperwork Due July 15 November 15 April 1
Financial Aid Applications Due Not applicable Not applicable April 1
Agreements & Cost Estimates Due (if applicable) Not applicable Not applicable May 1


To help you plan, we've provided cost estimates for our Credit Programs. Some programs may have different costs, so please check the program’s pages for details. A cost estimate sheet will be sent after admission.

Dual Enrollment – Fall and Spring

Programs: Dual Credit, ConnectUM

Cost estimates based on 6-credit-hour course-load.

Item Typical Cost What You Would Pay
Application Fee (one-time fee) $100 $100
Registration Fee $100 $100
Tuition* $2,403 $0 - $1,201.50
Non-Resident Fee $2,403 $2,403
Capital Improvement Fee $30 $30
Course fees (vary by course)** $0 - $300 $0 - $300
TOTAL $2,633 - $5,336 $230 - $4,134.50

*Dual Credit provides a 50% tuition scholarship (in-state rate only) to all students. ConnectUM offers a 100% tuition scholarship (in-state rate only) for the first 7 credit hours, followed by a 50% scholarship for any additional hours.

**Course fees are set by each department and charged to the Bursar bill. These fees are not covered by scholarships.

Summer Credit Programs

Programs: ARISE@UM, EdStart, Rebel Research, Summer College, Summer Language Institute

Item  Typical Cost  Residential
What You Would Pay 
What You Would Pay 
UM Undergraduate Application Fee (one-time fee) $50 (MS resident)
$75 (Non-MS resident)
$50 (MS resident)
$75 (Non-MS resident)
$50 (MS resident)
Registration Fee $100 $100 $100
Tuition $2,403 $0 $0
Non-Resident Fee $2,403 $0 $0
Program Fee $1,720 $1,720 $520
Housing $600 $600 $0
Meal Plan $650 $650 $200
Capital Improvement Fee $30 $30 $30
Course Fees (vary by course)** $0 - $300 $0 - $300 $0 - $300
TOTAL $5,553 - $8,281 $3,150 - $3,475 $900 - $1,200

*Commuter option is only available to Oxford or Lafayette County, Mississippi, residents. Commuter meal plans must be opted-in during the application process.

**Course fees are set by each department and charged to the Bursar bill. These fees are not covered by scholarships.

Additional Costs Not Included in Estimate:

  • Books: $300
  • Weekend spending: $300
  • Optional single room: $800
  • Optional round-trip airport shuttle: $160

International Fees and Additional Costs:

  • International program fee: $500
  • Medical insurance and TB testing: $450
  • Taxes on scholarships: Variable

Financial Aid

All students in a college credit program receive some form of tuition scholarship. Additional scholarships are available for eligible students, and some programs offer program-specific scholarships. Please see individual program pages for details.

To apply for additional scholarships, students must complete the Financial Aid Application in the Blackbaud My School App as part of their admissions checklist.

View Scholarships